The Community Action Team is a group of specialized, highly trained officers. It is their mission, using community oriented policing methods, to solve law enforcement problems that arise in the various communities of Richland County. However, the C.A.T. program is far more than a mere extension of law enforcement.
Each Region of Richland County has been assigned specific officers. In turn, these officers attend community meetings, and gather information about their particular areas and special needs. This information can then be taken to the other divisions of the Sheriff's department, so that they too can function in the best interests of the individual communities.
C.A.T. members, through constant, reliable participation in community activities become well known to community leaders, civic and religious groups, and other neighborhood organizations. They become a trusted, dependable advocate for their community. The goal of the entire C.A.T. program is to give law enforcement its most powerful tool - unity with the community that we serve.

Community Action Team Office: 803-576-3498
Region 1
M/Dep. Thomas Browne
Region 6
M/Dep. Shannon Huffman
Region 7
Region 8
M/Dep Christopher Moore