Fingerprinting Policy

As required by state policy, we are authorized to fingerprint for the following purposes only:

  • Concealed Weapon Permits
  • Immigration
  • Private Investigators and Security Guards
  • Any OUT of STATE purpose
  • SLED Records Challenge  (more information about records challenge)
  • Name Changes

If you need to be fingerprinted for any other reason you must schedule an appointment with IdenttoGo by calling 866-254-2366 or schedule an appointment with them online at

IdentoGo is located at 612 St. Andrews Road, Space #8, Columbia, SC.

RCSD Fingerprinting Schedule & Information:

  • We are located at: 5623 Two Notch Rd. Columbia, SC 29223
  • Mondays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Fee is $10 (cash only – no credit cards)