Women’s Self Defense

Women's Self Defense Image

The Richland County Sheriff’s Department offers a FREE women’s self-defense class.

This is a crime prevention program that utilizes techniques that are specifically designed for women to reduce the likelihood of victimization. This program empowers women to recognize their strengths and make sound decisions when faced with potentially dangerous situations.

  • Minimum age:  18 years old; 16/17 years old with a parent
  • 4 hour physical class
  • Please wear comfortable clothes
  • Please bring a bottled water or Gatorade

**For more information about this program please contact Inv. Cassie Radford at cradford@rcsd.net or (803) 576-3474.

Class Schedule for 2024:

  • Saturday, August 03, 2024,  9:00am – 1:00pm: Denny Terrace Training Center Cafeteria/Gym, 6429 Bishop Avenue  CLASS IS FULL
  • Saturday, November 09, 2024,  9:00am – 1:00pm: Denny Terrace Training Center Cafeteria/Gym, 6429 Bishop Avenue

Please RSVP by email to WomensDefense@rcsd.net. Please include your name and the date of which class you’d like to attend.  Slots are limited!