Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU)

The mission of RCSD’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU) is to prevent and mitigate the effects of acts of violence and terrorism at the community level. This is accomplished by training and coaching critical infrastructure stakeholders through meaningful partnerships that empower them to implement Homeland Security based practices developed by federal agencies as well as private industry subject matter experts.

RCSD-CIPU is available to assist commercial facilities, houses of worship, manufacturing facilities, public schools, private schools, and other facilities desiring to enhance their security posture with the following services:

- Facility Vulnerability Assessments
- All Hazards Threat Assessments
- Active Assailant Training
- Tabletop Exercises
- Critical Infrastructure Security Seminars
- Physical Security Tests & Investigations

All services provided by RCSD-CIPU are free of charge. To find out more about services offered by RCSD-CIPU or to schedule a vulnerability assessment for your facility, email Deputy Glenn Remsen at