The Richland County Sheriff's Department allows certain types of incidents to be reported online.
These include:
• Larceny, Under $2,000 (Can not be from a motor vehicle.)
• Shoplifting - No Suspect Present
• Obscene/Threatening phone calls or Internet messages
• Vandalism - Under $1000.00 in damages.
• Burglary - Hotel/Motel room when the victim is calling from out-of-State.
• Breach of Trust - Under $1,000
• Lost property
Simply fill in the blanks below. Once you have submitted the report, and after it has been accepted, you will receive an email with your report information and your case number. This may take up to THREE business days.
In order to continue, you must agree to the following terms and conditions:
• Filing a false report is a crime. Any report found to be false WILL result in CRIMINAL prosecution.
• The Sheriff's Department reserves the right to disregard any reports that fail to meet these terms, at its discretion, without giving notice of any kind.
• You must allow at least three business days for your report to be emailed to you.
• Until you receive your case number, your report has NOT been officially received.
Your report must also meet these conditions:
• The crime MUST have taken place IN RICHLAND County.
• No suspect can be present.
• There must be no physical evidence to be collected.
• The crime CANNOT involve violence or physical injury to any party.
• The value of the property in question (if any), or damage (if any), CANNOT exceed $1,000.
• The report CANNOT be about a missing person or a "missing" person that has been located.
• The stolen property (if any) CANNOT be a vehicle nor can the stolen property have been taken FROM a vehicle.